
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Unethical Logging in Pahang Malaysia

It was report that around 3000 ha of Lesong Permanent Forest Reserved are being cleared and logged.

The reason quoted by Pahang Government is... the forest timber is of poor quality and thus has to be replanted.

I think these people have to have their brains examined for making an illogical decision. A forest reserve is NOT a commercial undertaking and it is not a commercial timber reserve. Pahang must be desperate for cash, and go to the extend of making excuse for their actions.

Forest Reserve Being Cleared for Timber Replant

The Star reported that the Pahang Forestry said that the estimated vested volume of the timber is 50 to 116 cubic meter per hectre. At the estimate price of RM1000 per cu meter, the income will be around RM150mil. It is a small amount for the destruction incurred. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Harvesting On Rain Water

Now that we are facing the water crisis, question is again being raise - Why Dont we take advantage of the Rain water.

The answer is simple, It does not make an economic sense. The investment cost is too high, and the pay back period is too long. I had not been paying any water bill for the last 6 months. It was sponsored by the state. It does not make sense for me for spend a few thousands to install a system to harvest the rain water, not until today.

Today, our pipe has been dried for 2 days. We are have problem to have our daily bath. Yes, I should have install the system.

Voda System The Star 15 Mac 2014
A local Malaysian company started the system using the following concept:

1. It is eco- friendly - A system based on the gravity feed, avoiding the use of pump. Pumps will add to the cost and consumed out limited energy resource.

The water is harvested directly from the drain system, stored at a suitable height to provide the gravity feed.

2. The storage tank is specially design for look and practical features. The tanks in the market are bulky and require special support to install them. The company's tanks can be installed on the wall  like the compressor of a split aircondition system.

The system is made from long lasting composite and the expected life span is 50 years.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Power from the Sun

Friday, June 14, 2013

Cave Paradise at Merapoh Pahang under Threat

Merapoh is a small isolated town in Pahang. It used to be accessible by train only, however now the road linking Kuala Lipis and Kelantan, has opened up the area.

The proposed cement factory has raised the fear on its effect on limestone hills and habitat. The area is the caves paradise. It contains about 500 caves, and only about 85 caves have been explored, the balance is yet to be explored. These caves are about 300 million years old. One of the cave is the largest in south east asia if not the world.

The cement factory may cause the following effects on the environment.

- the river system - currently the stream is crystal clear. The rivers replete with various species of such as kelah and sebarau, these may vanish with the development.
- flora and fauna - contain various rare flora and fauna, some of which are rare species.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Urban Agriculture Headed by UPM

The worlds urban demography is undergoing fast changes. It is forecasted that by the year 2020, 75% of the population of Africa and Asia will be urban dwellers. In Malaysia, the change had occurred, and currently, about 72% of the population are in the town or semi-town.

Such an imbalance in population distribution will cause a number of problems. One of the critical issues is the food security. UPM, the university focusing on agriculture, is promoting urban dwellers to grow their own food. Research has been made on various methods of urban agriculture such as vertical farming and hydroponics.

The other potential area is to collaborate with the local authority to utilize the public urban spaces to plan various kind of trees that bear fruit. It make sense to have specific portion of a public park reserved for the plantation of fruit bearing trees.  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Green Crusade

The green crusade has to continue. Malaysia is a blessed country, with so many lush green forest, flowing rivers and seas full of thriving lifes. However, the people are unfortunately forget to appreciate the endowments of God and to look after the gifts of nature. As a results, we had seen the disasters,  such as the collapse of the Highland Tower, landslides, polluted rivers that kill the fish population. The worst environmental disaster, in my view was the case of rare earth mining in Bukit Merah  Perak.

The history of green crusade taken by one of the paper stretched back to the earlier years. These are some of the records:

1977 - the nation was informed about the "rape of endau rompin".  Endau Rompin is under 2 states of Pahang and Johor, designated as the national park. However the illegal logging is threatening the environment.

2004 - the story about the fate of fireflies in Kampong Kuantan in Malaysia, the number of the inspects is fast fading. This is due to the destruction of the habitat and the encroachment of the population into the breeding ground of the fireflies.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

China Green Energy

China, being the most populated nation and stand to be consuming the most energy, targeting to have to non-fossil fuel to be at least at 15% level. The energy sources will be mainly the green resources of solar, wind and hydro-electric and the other "non-green", the nuclear energy.

The development of hydro-power is gaining popularity but not without the problem. In developed nations, this can be producing about 80% of the nations' energy, while in China, it is still at the infant stage.

China is currently the number 1 solar energy producer in the world. This include the productions of the electricity and the solar equipment. The capacity of solar energy is about 2.2 million kw out of the 450 million kw of the total, this making it to be about 0.4%. The country fares better in the production of the solar energy equipment. It is currently producing 50% of the worlds outputs. One of the issues faced in promoting the use of solar energy is the higher unit cost of solar power. The solar power is costed at 1.15 yuan per kW/H and the wind is at cheaper 0.57 yuan. Currently, the country does not have the subsidy system to promote the alternative energy production.

The wind energy production had a better growth lately. Last year, the statics shows that the wind power produces a total of 47 million kw. Most of the power is produced in the Mongolian Desert where the strong wind is in abundant. However the poor distribution network, makes it less valuable.

As a whole, China has made a tremendous growth in its green energy drive, in line with its effort to industrialize and contribute to the world's economy.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Solar Energy Challenges

As part of the efforts to reduce the dependence of fossil energy, many of the EU countries provide a generous subsidies to both the manufacturers and the consumers. The argument was solid.. sooner or later, the fossil energy will run out, the effect by be fatal for the nation. It make sense to prepare in advance.

The problem is, the solar energy is more expensive. The payback period is more than 10 years. You can make more profit by putting your money in the fix deposit rather than investing in solar energy. To overcome this, the subsidy system was introduced.

When the subsidy was announced years ago, many of the big companies jumped into the bandwagon and produced the solar cells. The sector is facing the problem of overcapacity and many of them cannot survive. It make it worst by the announcement of the cut in subsidy.

Germany just announced the reduction of subsidy of 20 to 30%. Projects above 10 MW will get no subsidy at all, those between 1 to 10 will get 13.5 euro for kilowatt-hour. UK is thinking of the same move, and signaled of cutting the subsidy by 50%.

Currently, the solar energy is facing two main challenges. Within the green energy concept, it has to compete with the off shore wind turbine. Many argue that the solar should be supported as the preferred source of alternate energy, it is easier to install and the maintenance cost is much lower that wind turbine.

Friday, December 30, 2011

malaysian energy

Malaysian can benefit from the sun energy. The country had moved one step closer to support the sustainable green energy by producing feed-in opportunities for the average consumers and small scale entrepreneurs. That mean a household can install solar panels and harvest the sun power and they can sell the electricity to the National Electricity Company, TNB.

You may like to get more information on how to build solar panel from Green DIY .

This is how it works.

1. A new law, the renewable energy act 2011, enables the national energy company TNB to buy the produced electricity at a special rate.

2. A body called SEDA, sustainable malaysian energy development authority was set up as the go-between the producers of the electricity and the TNB. Anybody who wants to produce and sell the energy to TNB has to apply to SEDA . The FiA (Feed in approval) will be given when SEDA is satisfied with the quality of the electricity produced.

3. Upon approval, the FiAH -feed in approval holder will be supplied with the feed-in capability, that mean the energy produced will be allowed to be linked.

Photo cells convert the sun energy directly into electricity. So far the quota for the application have been taken for the next 5 years. For individual applicants, another 4.8MW was available. Even if the TNB does not buy the energy, it does make financial sense to install the unit. For a hot and long daylight, malaysian can rely on the energy from the sun.

The malaysian energy policy is still considered by many as rather unfocused. The country is endowed by plenty of natural gas, but the domestic usage is rather low, the usage of gas for vehicle is limited to taxis in the capital.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

recycling rainwater

There are two basic issues that rainwater recycling can address.

1. reduction of flash flood

2. reduction of the dependent on water distribution.

With more urban development, the natural water retention capability of ponds, soil absorption an natural plantation are greatly reduces. As such the rain water will tend fill up the drains and rivers at as faster rate. With the rain catchment mechanism, some of the water will be retained.

The other main reason is the reduction of the strain on the water supply. It may not seem very much, but a reduction of 10% from the supply will amount to millions of liters.

At the current cost level, the payback for the investment is not attractive. It takes 10 to 20 years to get back what you had invested. However, beside the commercial reasons, the water recycling can offer the following advantages:

a. The rain water is suitable for the secondary usage, such as flushing toilets, washing machines and watering the plants. The water is soft and does not contain chlorine. It can be used to clean floor or surfaces without leaving behind scales or stain.

b. It can help to ease the dwindling supply of water. With increase in population and the increase of urban residents, the demand for piped water is on the rise. The situation is made worst by the pollution of the rivers and natural water resources.

c. It can reduce your water bill. It is expected that the price of piped water will increase, so will be the cost of the recycling system.

The system is available for installation of the recycling system.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

solar panel plant

A new solar panel plant will be set up in Penang to manufacture the solar panel to meet the growing global demands for clean power.

The nuclear crisis in Japan as the result of the earth quake and the tsunami reaffirm the inherent risk of the nuclear power station. A survey carried out in Japan and the majority vote against the use of radio active material for the production of energy.

Given the negative perception of the nuclear power and the increasing trend of the cost of electricity, the sun power seem to be the alternative proposition. Currently, the installation of electric panel at home is still more expensive than the use of utility electrical power. But this is expected to change soon.

The manufacturing of local solar panel locally is expected to lower the cost. A new solar panel plant is being set up in Penang..

read further from the RSS feed.

Jun 23, 2011 ... PETALING JAYA: Stuttgart-based technology company Robert Bosch GmbH is investing RM2.2bil in a solar panel manufacturing plant in Batu Kawan ...

Thursday June 23, 2011

Robert Bosch to set up solar panel manufacturing facility in Penang


PETALING JAYA: Stuttgart-based technology company Robert Bosch GmbH is investing RM2.2bil in a solar panel manufacturing plant in Batu Kawan, Penang, to mainly serve Asia's growing demand for solar energy.

The new plant would provide employment opportunities for 2,000 people, which would be an increase of some 40% of Robert Bosch's current workforce in the country, said Robert Bosch solar energy division head and Bosch Solar Energy AG chairman, Holger von Hebel..

Monday, February 21, 2011

river of trash

The picture confirmed it, Klang river had been transformed to a river of trash. You could hardly see the water.

The indiscriminate dumping of rubbish in the upstream areas are causing the river to be totally polluted. It muse be a dead river, devoid of any living fishes.

The situation was covered by the newspaper the star:

Saturday February 19, 2011
Shah Alam residents fuming over trash in Klang River
Photo by M. RAJAN

INDISCRIMINATE dumping of rubbish by industries and residents are affecting the quality of water in the Klang River.

The dumping of rubbish in upstream areas are affecting residents living downstream.

This is apparent during high tides and rainy weather when the rubbish from Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur travel downriver to Shah Alam and Klang.

Residents in Taman Sri Muda have expressed their dissatisfaction over the presence of a “sea of rubbish” floating in the river.

Ugly sight: The Klang River near Taman Sri Muda in Shah Alam turns into a sea of trash during high tide.
They said there was so much rubbish in the river that they could hardly see the water.

S. Tamilselvan of Taman Sri Muda said the presence of the garbage in the river was a common sight in the area.

He said the river was polluted with various types of household and industrial waste that had been dumped by irresponsible people.

“It is an eyesore as we have to witness this unpleasant sight every other time. Furthermore, the water is always murky,” he said.

Another resident C. K. Lim urged the authorities to be vigilant in their bid to stop the culprits from dumping waste into the river.

He felt that the local authorities had not been doing enough to overcome the situation.

“The condition of the polluted river is in a way affecting the quality of our lives,” he said.

Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) public relations officer Shahrin Ahmad said the garbage had been dumped by people upstream.

He said the Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) was responsible for the clearing up of rubbish from the river.

“We will inform them on the presence of the waste in the river so that they can start cleaning up the river,” he said.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

guarding the mangroves trees

Mangrove trees is the natural forest on the swampy beaches in Malaysia. It was growing in abundance in the west coast of the peninsular, protected from the strong north east monsoon. The trees were being cut to the extinction main to be process and turn into charcoal and used as piling material for building construction.

When the new government took over Selangor in 2008, the license to harvest the trees were suspended. Despite this, the thieves continue to illegally cut down the log. It is estimated about 50,000 were felled despite the ban.

There seem to be total disregard for the authority, despite the constant petrol, the trees are still being cut down. However a few weeks ago some progress had been made. A two week surveillance by the Selangor Forestry Department finally bear fruit as they manage to seize about 30,000 mangrove logs with estimated value or rm300,00. A crane and 13 workers were caught.

The extinction of the mangrove trees in certain location of the beaches had brought the problem od soil erosion. Slowly the beaches front had shifted, as the protections against the winds and current normally provided by the mangrove are being removed.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

sun energy a salleable product

Many developed nation had introduced a feature to enable small consumers to sell electricity to the national grid. This will give some incomes as well as help the nation to reduce the burden on pollution.

Malaysia is following suit with the implementation of feed-in-tariff (FiT). The new meter will be able to measure the amount of power taken from the grid as well as the value sale to the grid.

It is expected that a consumer that produces 4 KW will be earning around rm400 per month. A normal house will need about 4 KW and the investment required is about RM60,000. The consumer will pay RM6000 and the rest will be born by the bank. The expected revenue is RM696 and the monthly payment about RM456 leaving about rm240 as profit.

These are main advantage of installing the system:
1. the solar energy will reduce the carbon footprint. Is important as the pollution is taking tolls on the eco-system. There is fear of global warming and rise of the seal level.

2. The panel itself will last a long time. The normal working life is about 20 years. The project would be financially viable and pay itself.

3. It is also beneficial for the utility company as it can be operating like a middle men buying the power from the consumers at a lower price and sell it at a profit.

Sun energy is a viable proposition. A product salleable at a profit and can be a long term investment.