
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

recycling rainwater

There are two basic issues that rainwater recycling can address.

1. reduction of flash flood

2. reduction of the dependent on water distribution.

With more urban development, the natural water retention capability of ponds, soil absorption an natural plantation are greatly reduces. As such the rain water will tend fill up the drains and rivers at as faster rate. With the rain catchment mechanism, some of the water will be retained.

The other main reason is the reduction of the strain on the water supply. It may not seem very much, but a reduction of 10% from the supply will amount to millions of liters.

At the current cost level, the payback for the investment is not attractive. It takes 10 to 20 years to get back what you had invested. However, beside the commercial reasons, the water recycling can offer the following advantages:

a. The rain water is suitable for the secondary usage, such as flushing toilets, washing machines and watering the plants. The water is soft and does not contain chlorine. It can be used to clean floor or surfaces without leaving behind scales or stain.

b. It can help to ease the dwindling supply of water. With increase in population and the increase of urban residents, the demand for piped water is on the rise. The situation is made worst by the pollution of the rivers and natural water resources.

c. It can reduce your water bill. It is expected that the price of piped water will increase, so will be the cost of the recycling system.

The system is available for installation of the recycling system.


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